people at a conference giving inputpeople at a conference giving input

Vistage Executive Coaching

Navigating Leadership Challenges Together

two people sitting at a conference
two people sitting at a conference

Overcoming the Obstacles Every Leader Encounters

As a CEO, Business Owner, or Key Executive, you might often feel:

  • Isolated in decision-making.
  • Challenged by rapid market changes.
  • In need of fresh, unbiased perspectives.
  • Seeking a space to refine strategies and ideas.

Vistage is designed to address these challenges, and more.

The Benefits of Vistage with Ginny as Your Chair

Collective Wisdom

Tap into the experiences of non-competing peers who have faced similar challenges.

Guided Mentorship

Ginny's seasoned insights as a 4x CEO amplify the Vistage experience.

headshot of Ginny
Strategic Depth

Dive deep into structured conversations that focus on real-world strategies and solutions.

Continuous Growth

With Ginny's guidance, evolve into a more effective and insightful leader.

Who is Vistage For?


Striving for sustainable growth.

Business Owners

Looking for unbiased feedback.

Key Executives

Aiming to refine their leadership prowess.

The Vistage Impact

Before & After
Top Execs Before Vistage
Active Vistage Members
Often isolated
Collaborative & refined
Business Growth
2.2x faster
Peer Support
Strong & continuous
Strategy Implementation
Trial and error
Structured & informed

The Member Experience

Collaborative Workshops

Monthly meetings led by Ginny, packed with actionable insights

Expert Speakers

Learn from national experts on a wide range of business-critical topics.

Ginny talking in a group
Peer Idea Exchange

A safe space to discuss, challenge, and refine your business ideas.

One-to-One Coaching

Personalized sessions with Ginny to deep dive into your leadership challenges.


Is Vistage only for large corporations?

No, Vistage welcomes business leaders from companies of all sizes, ranging from startups to multi-billion dollar corporations. Groups are curated to complement the experience and expertise of the members.

How often are Vistage meetings held?

Typically, Vistage groups meet 9-12 times per year.

Can I join more than one Vistage group?

Each member joins a single group to ensure trust and confidentiality. However, members often interact with peers from other groups during Vistage events.

What if there's a competitor in my group?

Vistage ensures that no competing businesses are placed in the same group to maintain trust and open conversation.

What kind of commitment is required as a Vistage member?

Vistage membership requires a commitment to personal and professional growth. Members are expected to attend meetings, actively participate, be open to giving and receiving feedback, maintain complete confidentiality, and engage in one-on-one coaching sessions. This commitment not only benefits individual members but strengthens the entire group dynamic.