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Unlocking Your Team's Full Potential With Positive Intelligence Coaching

Redefine the way you lead and the impact your team makes.

people sitting talking at a conference
people sitting and talking at a conference

Overcoming Common Team Dynamics and Challenges

  • Navigating interpersonal conflicts with ease.
  • Addressing mental blocks preventing peak performance.
  • Harnessing collective intelligence for problem-solving.
  • Balancing individual strengths and weaknesses.

Benefits of Embracing Positive Intelligence with Ginny's Coaching

Sharper Decision Making

Equip yourself with the tools to think more clearly under pressure.

Improved Team Dynamics

Foster an environment where collaboration thrives.

Ginny writing on a whiteboard
Increased Resilience

Learn techniques to bounce back faster from setbacks.

Elevated Mental Fitness

Develop both professionally and personally for a more fulfilling leadership journey.

Who Is Positive Intelligence For?

CEOs, Business Owners, and Key Executives

Looking to enhance their leadership capacities.


Aiming for improved collaboration and performance.


Striving to create a positive and supportive work culture.

The Positive Intelligence Experience with Ginny

Assessment: Discover your current PQ (Positive Intelligence Quotient).
Customized Coaching: Tailored sessions addressing unique challenges and goals.
Group Workshops: Harness the power of collective thinking and problem solving.
Tools & Techniques: Equip yourself with practical techniques to boost your PQ daily.
Ongoing Support: An easy-to-use app guides your efforts and supports Ginny's commitment to your continuous growth
Ginny talking at a conference

The Positive Intelligence Impact

With Positive Intelligence Training
Without Positive Intelligence Training
Team Cohesion
Increased team unity and collaboration
Struggles with internal conflicts
Harnesses collective intelligence
Limited adaptability to change
Emotional Management
Better control during crises
Emotional flare-ups during challenges
Adaptability to Change
Quick to evolve and adapt
Resistance to new ideas and strategies
Morale During Challenges
Maintains high spirit and motivation
Reduced morale and increased frustration


What exactly is Positive Intelligence (PQ)?

PQ represents the capability of your mind to be in a positive state, impacting both personal happiness and professional success.

How does Positive Intelligence differ from emotional intelligence (EQ)?

While EQ focuses on understanding and managing emotions, PQ emphasizes strengthening the positive muscles of the brain, leading to enhanced overall mental well-being.

How long is the Positive Intelligence program with Ginny?

The program is tailored to individual and team needs, but typically spans over several weeks with continuous assessment and coaching.

Will there be tools or resources to use beyond the coaching sessions?

Absolutely! Ginny provides a range of tools, exercises, and resources to ensure you continue to harness the power of Positive Intelligence in daily operations.

How can Positive Intelligence impact our organization's bottom line?

By fostering improved team dynamics, clearer decision-making, and increased resilience, Positive Intelligence can lead to enhanced productivity, reduced turnover, and a more positive workplace culture, directly benefiting the bottom line.