Ginny Gilbert talking at a conferenceGinny Gilbert talking at a conference

Navigate the Business Landscape with Clarity and Precision

Empower your leadership with strategies tailored for the evolving demands you face as the CEO, top exec, or business owner. Elevate decision-making, achieve success, and lead with confidence.

Executive Challenges

Understanding the Terrain Ahead

Leading a business is not just about numbers; it's about navigating complex terrains, both personal and professional. As an executive, you might resonate with these challenges:

Decision Fatigue

Navigating constant decision-making without the assurance of their outcomes.

Lonely Leadership

Bearing the weight of responsibility with limited outlets for candid, unbiased feedback.

Adapting to Change

Rapid market changes demand agile leadership, but pivoting effectively isn’t always straightforward.

Team Dynamics

Fostering a cohesive, collaborative, and high-performing team amidst the complexities of human interactions.

Sustaining Growth

Beyond the initial success lies the challenge of sustainable growth and innovation.

headshot of Ginny

Ginny Gilbert

A Legacy of Transformative Leadership

With three decades of leadership as a 4x CEO, Ginny has not only transformed companies from $1M to $2B in revenue but also shaped the journeys of countless leaders.  Ginny's journey spans more than three decades. This rich tapestry of experiences —learning from her grandfather’s theatres, dad’s auto repair chain, to her own commercial construction company — has not only shaped her but also other high-performing leaders.

Ginny in a conversation with two people
Ginny in a group having a conversation

The Value of a Strategic Sounding Board

Having a seasoned mentor and a circle of peers provides an environment where decisions are refined, strategies are tested, and visions are clarified.

Vistage Executive Coaching

Not Just a Group, Your Leadership Compass

Discover a circle of leaders:

  • Engage with perspectives that challenge your assumptions.
  • Refine strategies with trust and openness.
  • Emerge ready to lead with renewed vigor and clarity.

Considering refining your leadership approach?

Ginny writing on a whiteboard
Ginny writing on a whiteboard
people taking notes
person taking notes

Maximize Team Potential with Positive Intelligence Coaching

Empower your team by:

  • Harnessing member's collective strengths.
  • Optimizing team collaboration.
  • Fueling organizational growth and innovation.

Ready to elevate your team’s capabilities?

Ginny Gilbert

More Than An Advisor, A Leadership Partner.

With over 30 years of hands-on business leadership, Ginny offers more than just coaching. She embodies the journey of leadership. Having been at the helm of businesses across varying scales, from startups to large enterprises, she brings a depth of wisdom that's both academic and experiential. Ginny’s guidance is rooted in real-world challenges, triumphs, and insights. She’s stood where you stand and understands the weight of every decision.

headshot of Ginny
headshot of Ginny

What Leaders Like You Are Saying

“Living more than 1000 miles away from my Vistage group requires that I make a significant effort to attend meetings. To be honest, there are times when I wonder if it’s worth it. But the knowledge shared by the national speakers and the insights and fresh perspectives I receive from my fellow members, always makes me glad that I came. I leave the meetings with clarity that saves not only my time, but incalculable hours of my team’s time as well. I’ve learned that the monthly group meeting and my 1:1 coaching session with Ginny is the best investment in my leadership that I can make.”

headshot of Michael Hopkins
Michael Hopkins
Brooks Stevens, Inc.

Ginny has been a pivotal advisor to my company, offering invaluable guidance on various matters from strategy to financial management, aiding our evolution from a small bakery to a major food production facility. Being a specialty food manufacturer, staying ahead in the industry is crucial. Ginny's introduction to Vistage brought a wealth of external insights that optimized our manufacturing processes and fueled my leadership growth. With her coaching and the diverse perspectives from the Vistage group, I've become a more grounded, result-oriented leader. I wholeheartedly recommend Ginny and Vistage for anyone committed to significant business advancement.

headshot of Jean Kroll
Jean Kroll
Founder and Owner

“Being a Vistage Member has connected me with other highly-skilled business owners and chief execs who offer insightful and trustworthy perspectives that are critical to building and leading a company. The group has helped me identify new skills and competencies I need to be a more effective decision-maker in today’s competitive and fast-changing business environment. Ginny has been amazing as a group chair and executive coach.  She’s helped me increase my confidence as a leader and has provided so many useful skills and resources for many different scenarios.  My experience with Vistage (coupled with Ginny) has been life-changing both personally and professionally. ”  

headshot of Brian Klippel
Brian Klippel
Partner and COO
Bevara Building Services

“My Vistage group is one of the best investments I can make. The value in taking a scheduled day each month to step back and assess my company is only overshadowed by the new perspectives I gain from fellow business leaders as we discuss strategies to improve our companies. With the help of the group, the insights gained from national speakers and the support and accountability provided by our Chair, Ginny, I can honestly say that I’ve grown exponentially in every way that matters: as a spouse, parent and leader.”

headshot of Mike Krug
Mike Krug
Marriott Construction
Let's Talk

Seeking breakthrough insights to enhance your leadership capabilities?

Navigating the complexities of leadership requires agility and foresight. Equip yourself with tailored strategies that bolster decision-making and drive organizational success.